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What is Moonshot Kimi AI and How to Use It

Artificial intelligence has been around for a long time, but when it comes to the hottest big model companies and the hottest big model applications lately, it's Moonshot and their Kimi AI. If you're still not sure what Kimi is, then you've come to the right place. This article will provide you with a detailed introduction to what Kimi is and how to use it.

moonshot kimi ai assistant

What is Moonshot Kimi AI?

Kimi, an AI application launched by a Chinese tech company called Moonshot AI in October 2023. At that time, it supported inputs of up to 200,000 Chinese characters (about 400 million tokens), making it the longest-context input supported by large model services available in the global market. Just a few days ago, on March 18th, Moonshot AI announced that the Kimi AI assistant now supports 2 million characters of lossless context. For comparison, the number of tokens supported by ChatGPT-4 is 128,000, equivalent to about 25,000 Chinese characters. The text reading capacity of Kimi AI is already 30 times that of GPT-4 and 4 times that of Gemini 1.5 (1 million tokens supported).

What can Kimi AI do for you and how to use it?

Here are Kimi's main features and how it works:

1. Translation

Kimi can translate English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, and other languages from many countries. Moreover, it supports longer text translation.

2. Image Recognition

Kimi can recognize and analyze key information within images. (Note: Kimi is currently unable to generate images.)

3. Coding

Kimi's programming assistant feature can quickly read and understand various API documents, helping developers locate the required information and generate corresponding code snippets based on specific needs. The upgraded Kimi can analyze and understand complete code libraries, currently supporting multiple programming languages such as Python, C++, and Java.

4. Article/Document Summarization

Kimi AI supports fetching content from any webpage. It can analyze and summarize uploaded articles or documents as well. Since Kimi AI can remember up to 200,0000 characters at a time, it can easily handle most article and document contents.

For example, if you want to understand a Chinese paper but don't speak Chinese; Or if you want to quickly grasp the key points or data of an article or report, you can directly send the material to Kimi for summarization.

The method is very simple: just send the article link or document along with your requirements to Kimi.

Based on this, we can also use Kimi in many cases:

  • Multiple File Processing: Kimi allows for the simultaneous upload of multiple documents, organizing key information from each to generate tables. Currently, Kimi supports processing and analyzing up to 50 files simultaneously;
  • Meeting Organization: Convert meeting recordings into text transcripts. Send them to Kimi, and it can help you extract key topics and conclusions;
  • Resume Optimization: Send your resume such as a PDF document to Kimi AI, and let it provide editing suggestions based on the job requirements you're applying for. You can assign it a role, such as HR from the other side, to give you more accurate optimization suggestions;
  • User Review Analysis: Export user reviews of products, send them to Kimi, let it analyze them one by one, provide judgments on positive and negative sentiments, and then dig into the needs behind user comments or help you generate responses.

There are many other similar uses, here are some examples:

  • Send the link to online notes to Kimi for reading and imitation;
  • Send the product introduction page link to Kimi for writing product marketing copy;
  • Send multiple research reports/sharing presentations on a certain topic to Kimi AI to summarize key points and form an outline, for quickly making a research presentation;
  • Send problem logs or meeting records from our project recommendation process to Kimi to help us write retrospective summary reports;
  • Export group chat messages to text and send them to Kimi to help you summarize group chats.

5. Information Search and Analysis

Kimi AI can search for the latest information online. You can ask it about recent events and let it interpret them for you. Or search for more professional knowledge and the latest data in niche fields, helping you quickly understand an industry.

Here are two simple examples:

  • Search and compile the latest industry news into reports: You can use Kimi's online search capability to prompt it to retrieve information from the web each time it runs, and then edit it into a report format;
  • Retrieve information from specific pages: Kimi's search function can specify the search location. Using commands like "site:website", you can first limit where it retrieves information from, greatly improving the accuracy of information.

6. All-around Learning and Work Assistant

Q&A and content generation are Kimi's basic functions. In the past, you might have directly asked an AI assistant to help you generate text for a certain case.

But you can now have a much better option: let Kimi learn a theory first and then apply this theory to help you write text. If you want to use the Kimi AI generated texts on your paper or article without being detected by AI any checkers, you can use the free AI humanizer tool to convert the texts to human written form.

7. Role Play

Normally, we ask AI questions; but when we don't have clear questions or thoughts about our work, it's hard to ask valuable questions.

At this time, we can let Kimi initiate "questions" to us in reverse.

For example, you want to start a social media account but haven't figured out the specific topic. You can let Kimi play the role of our partner and give us ideas.

Or you want to develop a product and need to get budget approval from your superiors, but worry that you haven't thought clearly about the specific value and will be questioned by the leader. At this time, you can let Kimi play the role of a senior product designer or even your leader to ask you questions.

Kimi can also play the role of an interviewer, based on the company information, job description, and resume you provide, to simulate an interview with you.


Through the above introduction, you should now have an understanding of Kimi AI or Moonshot AI. We have showcased Kimi's power through its features and many practical application scenarios. Whether for personal life or work, Kimi serves as a capable assistant. Make it one of your daily AI tools! If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us.
